Clara Kwon managed the research, coordination and final editing of 'Tree Planting Solutions in Hard Boulevard Surfaces: Best Practices Manual,' a ground-breaking report on construction methodologies for tree longevity in Toronto's sidewalks, working with urban tree expert James Urban and infrastructure engineers at Arup. The report was awarded the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA) 2014 National Merit Award of Excellence. Clara was also selected to present the research at the 2014 CSLA Congress on Climates, Adaptations, Landscapes. This work caught the notice of Kathryn Evans of the City of Atlanta Tree Conservation Commission and Clara is currently serving as a member working towards policies to protect and improve tree canopy.
The report was commissioned by the City of Toronto to examine municipal precedents for street tree planting in 8 comparable cities, to provide cost-efficient recommendations, standard construction details and specifications to support the growth of trees to maturity, and to test the proposed methods in a utility installation and repair scenario.
In close collaboration with engineers and arborists, Clara worked through in-depth reviews with multiple city departments on the budgetary, operations and maintenance and streetscape implications of the proposed best practices. The 250-page document went through multiple iterations to gain the support of the Parks, Forestry & Recreation, Planning, Water, Technical Services, Transportation and Waterfront departments as well as public utility providers. The project brought together landscape architecture, arboriculture and engineering to improve the urban forest, infrastructure and city life.
*This work was completed while project manager at DTAH, Toronto, Ontario